
Maqamigew Anqotumeg, translated from Mi’kmaq as "we take care of the land."

Maqamigew Anqotumeg, translated from Mi’kmaq as “we take care of the land”, is your one-stop-shop for all your terrestrial environmental needs. Maqamigew Anqotumeg is an 100% Indigenous owned and operated consulting firm out of Elsipogtog First Nation that provides environmental consulting services.

Maqamigew Anqotumeg specializes in terrestrial and wetland surveys, however, Maqamigew Anqotumeg has extensive experience supporting large-scale projects across multiple disciplines, government programs and collaborative partnerships.

Lyle VicaireMaqamigew Anqotumeg's clients include project developers, Indigenous communities, engineering consulting firms, all sectors (including oil and gas, energy, mining, etc.), governmental/ non-governmental agencies, construction companies, and land developers.

Reach out to Maqamigew Anqotumeg to fulfil your Terrestrial Environment needs, including: Environmental Assessments; Wetlands (Wetland delineation and functional assessment; wetland compensation planning and design; wetland and watercourse alteration permitting); Plants (Rare plant assessments, vegetation community characterization, ecological land classification); Birds and Bats (Migratory bird surveys and habitat assessment; Echolocation analysis bats); Ecosystem Restoration and Design (Watercourse, wetlands, forest); and geographic information system (GIS) mapping (Environmental constraints analysis).

Maqamigew Anqotumeg has worked on many large-scale projects including pipelines, transmission lines, highways, mining projects, smelting facility closures, and wind farms, land acquisition for future conservation.

Maqamigew Anqotumeg's founder Lyle Vicaire is a seasoned and experienced environmental scientist and MSc student (The University of New Brunswick (UNB)). An innovator in wetland restoration, Lyle is leading the way in cutting edge research at UNB where he is currently studying a salt marsh restoration technique, the first of its kind for Atlantic Canada.

With years of experience being the "super consultant" (a.k.a. a field biologist with one expertise, but highly competent in all other disciplines, allowing the consultant to undertake several environmental surveys at any given time), Lyle is only your ultimate solution for Terrestrial Environment needs.

Make Maqamigew Anqotumeg part of your team, contact Lyle at Maqamigew Anqotumeg today.